1. Subscription Cancellation
If you wish to cancel a subscription to Indian Font Convertor, you can do so through:
- App Settings: Navigate to the subscription settings within the app.
- App Store Account: Manage your subscription via your app store account settings.
2. Cancellation Process
To cancel your subscription:
- iOS Users: Go to your device’s Settings > [Your Name] > Subscriptions and select the subscription you want to cancel.
- Android Users: Open the Google Play Store app > Menu > Subscriptions and select the subscription to cancel.
3. Refunds on Cancellation
No refunds are provided for the remaining term of the billing cycle after cancellation. Cancellation will take effect at the end of the current billing period, and you will continue to have access to premium features until the end of that period.
4. Contact for Cancellation
For assistance with cancellation or any related inquiries, please contact us at sanjanpatange22@gmail.com.
5. Policy Changes
We reserve the right to modify this Cancellation Policy. Updated policies will be reflected on this page and apply to all future cancellations.